We enjoy working on all sizes of projects, from small scale extensions and one-off individual houses, to complex refurbishments and large developments that require work with national contractors and developers. We have an enviable collaborative relationship with our clients and local tradesmen ensuring a high standard of workmanship and professionalism throughout the project.

The most significant proportion of our work is for new housing and remodelling of existing houses. In addition however, we have long standing relationships with local sporting estates, museums and farms for their long term futures.


We have the experience and are able to offer the following services:

  • Initial consultation and development of the project brief
  • Sketch proposals and outline scheme designs and practical advice
  • Feasibility studies and development options for grant applications
  • Masterplans and Estate development for sporting and agricultural estates
  • Social and Affordable Housing along with groups of houses for private sale
  • Public Consultation Exhibitions and Information Meetings along with presentation to Community Councils, Feedback to review and participation events
  • Curriculum Analysis for school estate review
  • Deed Plans
  • Heritage and Listed Building consents for small and large scale interventions
  • Small scale domestic extensions as well as loft conversions and internal remodelling
  • Individual Houses
  • Holiday homes and holiday lodges
  • Refurbishment, replacement and remodelling of existing houses, steadings and other buildings
  • Sustainable design, energy efficiency improvements and options for on-site generation
  • Planning in principle for individual houses, housing groups and major applications
  • Planning permissions both large and small scale along with appeals where necessary and certificates of lawfulness
  • Building Warrants, amendments to warrant and application for letters of comfort
  • Contract Administration, construction, tender and project management
  • Provision of CML certificate where full appointment
  • Principal designer duties, preparation and issue of PCI and Health & Safety File